December 8, 2003
Navy Meeting Quota
So I am at the house of a friend right now. He is on the phone complaining to his mother of the lack of efficiency in the navy. He is currently going to a force protection school which costs thousands of dollars per person. The Marines that are attending the school are admitting that the school is better than what they were offered during training. My friend stands a watch that is unarmed and will never be using the knowledge from this course to benefit the navy in any way. For my friend to use a weapon it will require that he abandons his post as the single supervisor of a nuclear reactor - a highly unlikely scenario. With his completion of this school the boat will be closer to meeting quota though.
In addition he just spoke of the $587,000 pump that was ordered incorrectly. When you break the price down by horsepower it is under $60,000 per horsepower - just barely though.
Prior to me leaving the navy our drug counciler told me that about 10% of the crew got kicked out of the navy for using drugs in the prior year. As history repeats itself we yet again find that the navy finds a new way of meeting quota.
Good businesses have feedback loops vice quotas.
Posted at December 8, 2003 8:03 PM