January 16, 2004
Passport + Post Office is Cool
I had to get a passport in a rush and it turns out that you can get one in less than a week for $185. That's not cheap, but it is quick.
While I was at the post office I observed that both the counter workers were delightful (perhaps because they were not in the blistering chill of the Noreaster outside). The Post Office gets a bad rap, but I have seen some real assholes walk in and demand excellent service and that the counter worker do something they couldn't.
Stupid people bitching about how they want their part of their refund for closing a box that was in someone elses name. And they want the money today.
I am not certain if it is just because my mom is a postmaster, or just because I recognize they do not get much credit for doing a good job...I have a bunch of respect for postal workers though.
Posted at January 16, 2004 8:13 PMwell i say fuckem..cuz they want me 2 pay 500buckz and go thru all this bs cuz my birth certificates a certified copy...land o tha free my ass wouldnt cost me my lyfe savings 2 leave it if that were true n maybe the us government should pay a lil less money taken away frm the us citizen 2 pay government workers there big bank so lil government fed mamaz boyz lyke urself get the real freedom n uze the money 2 get a competant post office!!!