January 27, 2004
Are you worried about our great national deficit? Are you unemployed? Is the economy rotten?
Many people want you to be worried about half truth. A person driven by fear is easy to manipulate. If you're worried about where you will get your next meal, then you likely are not going to get what you deserve. My personal philosophy is that everyone has something to offer and something they should focus on.
Back to our eroding economy..."CBO's new figures predict that US government revenues will fall to 15.8 percent of the economy in 2004, the lowest since 1950, according to an analysis by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities."
This means that our government is actually operating somewhat efficiently despite all the horrible things we are doing. We have not yet squeezed all the hope out of my mind, and I have this strange feeling things are going to get way better...and soon.
Posted at January 27, 2004 10:54 PMwould like to know about Edwin Sikes unemployment check