February 5, 2004
Alpha Males
Why do alpha males exist?
These people have small hearts and even smaller minds. They have no purpose other than to erode Earth. Evolution still has some work to do.
Last Saturday night I was dancing in a club and this girl threw herself on me. I backed away, but she continued to chase me down. This was kinda wierd. From my backside an uncoordinated person came up and walked right into me pouring his bear all over himself. He was then pissed at me.
Later in the night he was sitting stupid and boring. I was still dancing around and he threw something at me. When I went over to ask him what he did he immediatly wanted to fight me. What a loser.
As big of a dirtball as he was, I do not see why he brought her to that club so he could sit around angry. What is even more shocking to me it the fact that girls stick with these losers. What the hell do they see in them?
A long time ago a kid put a choke hold on me because his girlfriend was flirting with me. I just do not understand these people.
Last Saturday did get more fun though.
So I went to another club, which was closed. I met 3 random people and were walking with them to a party. Less than a block after I started walking with them the guy fell over on the ice and knocked himself out.
Police were nearby and immediatly called 911. We got him up though. We went walking and a block later we were the only 4 white people in a Nigerian birthday party where most of the people were in Nigerian dress including cool hats. I was not in the best state of affair, but it seemed a rather special place to be. I loved the culture that was there, just wish I would have known a little more about it.
Posted at February 5, 2004 1:37 AMAlpha Males
In centuries past it was the the lords and "noble"men who went around the countryside def1owering peasant girls.
Today it takes various forms, from high school jocks and others who's status is graded by sæxual conquests...to their professional counterparts who imÞregnate perhaps more women than the nobility of old... to powerful men in the corporate/political world and their яandy sons who use their money and power as another means of conquest... to those in the academic elite who use their influence to gain control of young nuьile women straight out of high school. It takes the form of Rock Stars, actors and other musicians who have their pick of young women (most of them barely over 18, and some of them well below that age) well into their very un-natural old age. It takes the form of predatory males who run Þoяno sites where they take advantage of all the young women and exploit them by various means (often by drugging and intoxication). In another sick modern phenomena, it takes the form of any frat boy or club hopper who slips rufies into the drinks of the unwitting female victim.
And poor, uninfluential men are left out in the cold.
From Gilgamesh, (the earliest character recorded in literature) to Donald Trump, From Bill Clinton to George W Bush, from Pablo Picasso to Jack Nicholson to Mick Jagger, Warren Beatty, Kieth Richards, Mark Wahlberg
One would almost certainly assume that in our enlightened post-industrial society,
we would have outgrown this sort of sæxua1 disparity.
Young women continue to spurn sensative guys, while at the same time they continue to be attracted to bad boys.
Above is a link to a chart showing how males outnumber females among the young, and females outnumber males among the elderly.
this is a very cool website that you have here, but you need more alpha males facts about wolfs.