March 31, 2004
Becoming a Business
The internet is such an open environment that it will drive the driven to success. The problem is the success can be crushing and confusing...cause great inner conflict.
Today I would not describe myself as an all star success, but in a year things have changed a bunch.
The very software which publishes this page has owners. They recently went through a year of rapid change. For a short while their feedback networks were quiet because they had investment relationships they had to keep quiet about.
I could take much of what I know and spread that to great financial gain, but am confused as to what that is for. Yesterday I spent thousands of dollars advertising for a client. Today I do my first taxes as a business. Later this week I will be starting a project where I make nearly the entire amount of what I made last year working for other people.
to describe the situation as anything but scary would be wrong...
Posted at March 31, 2004 3:15 AM