July 8, 2004
Point of Action Marketing
What is point of action marketing?
Whenever you do anything on the web (or in many places away from the web) people try to influence your ideas or lead you to a beief that helps you along in the process.
Political point of action marketing
This election Bush (and other rich selfish fucking scumbags) want you to be affraid of terrorism on voting day.
What is the point of political point of action marketing?
if you are thinking of the bullshit fake war on terrorism while you are in the voting booth you are more likely to vote for scumbag Bush.
"Ridge Warns of Election Terror Plot" - just like a movie they use the word plot. and the reason is... it is because it is all bullshit. no reason to believe in it.
Posted at July 8, 2004 6:52 PMComments
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