August 25, 2004
Some People Say... (nothing as obvious as motive)
I am often misguided in belief, but frequently read motive in action. After you are a marketer long enough (and especially a marketer on a big social network) I think motive becomes rather apparent.
Most people who are in powerful positions are corupted pieces of crap. Thats why those who are powerful and do not suck seem so is so rare.
Typically positions of power and the idea of being powerful usually attracts scumbags (who have plenty of rich scumbag friends trying to guide or mislead them along the way).
I have been offered a ton of Joint Venture partnerships along the way and am pretty excited to say no. I like helping others and think there are many others who can help me a ton, but do not want to be driven by the wrong ideas.
For Example "Some People Say"
Some people say...that is a way of attributing an idea of your own to some anonymous third party.
Even when writing blog posts I usually say "thanks to fred" and use fred to link to the source. There are two main reasons to do this
1.) Give fred credit for his work.
2.) If fred is wrong then part of that dime is on him and not you.
So even as a "not real" journalist who is heavily opinionated I usually point out the source of just makes good sense.
On the other hand...
Large media corporations have too much financial interest in their own success to be completely honest. News is a bunch of manipulative bullshit.
Tune into Fox news occasionally and you will hear a whole bunch of "some people say" messages. Why not source the news if it is actually honest news??????????????????
Fox News is a voicebox or pundint for right wing propaganda. Take a peak at Fox News or watch Outfoxed to see what "SOME PEOPLE SAY."
Posted at August 25, 2004 1:28 PMIknow I need to get rid of aol.FOX and Friends,FOX News ALERT,Bill O'reilly,Hanniy&Colmbs,Fair and Balanced??? The Most Powerful name in news,says who.
"Some people say,George Bush is the worst terrorist we have in the world." "Some people say, Bill O'Reilly is a narcissistic,cocksucking,bully,that's what some people say.FOX NEWS