September 28, 2004
Legitimate Business Expenses
What Defines what a Legitimate Business Expense is?
A friend and I went to London. We got a deal on the plane tickets, but the normal price for them would have been around $10,000 each. In some countries that plane ticket price would exceeds the output of the average worker for A WHOLE DECADE. People can spend that much and call it a legitimate business expense. Why?
The Fair Business World
Much of the business world is set up to make it easy for successful people to stay successful and make it harder for unsuccessful people to crawl out of their socioeconomic holes.
Bad Business Expenses...Wasting Years of My Life in the Fucked up Navy
Less than two years ago I was kicked out of the navy for using drugs. In fact I had to sign up for a credit card as I was getting kicked out to fund my living. I had no knowledge of marketing, web design, or anything really at this point.
I refused to draw unemployment when I was doing bad and am doing well now.
On the Web: Where You Can do Anything
Next year I could probably make about $250,000 in profits...without really even becoming a horrible selling out. The feedback loops on the web are that powerful.
What makes some thing a legitimate business expense?
I met an internet startup executive in a club a few years ago who talked about his bogus personal website where he claimed tons of loses...and it makes one wonder what makes something a legitimate business expense?
I could creat and and and write off virtually everything I do. ... I am not going to do this, but my friend wants to create a travel directory and he could get paid to travel all the time...and be legit.
I believe a large portion of the fear and other gross fucking bullshit some of our leaders are doing is simply an attempt to stop people from realizing how much opportunity the web has created.
Posted at September 28, 2004 11:56 PM