April 16, 2005
All Aboard Amtrack, Republicans aim to block Filibuster
Underfunding Car Alternatives:
Amtrak scrambles to find trains to cover Acela Express schedule
Brake problems forced the beleaguered passenger railroad on Friday to suspend high-speed service in the Northeast at least through Wednesday and probably for more than two months.
That ought to be good for the stability of oil prices and the economy.
Your Either Against Us or You are an Idiot:
Meathead nut job right wing senators want to axe the voice of the minority party. Even John McCain realizes how stupid they are:
"Someday there will be a liberal Democrat president and a liberal Democrat Congress," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., told MSNBC last week. "Do we want a bunch of liberal judges approved by the Senate of the United States with 51 votes if Democrats are in the majority?"
I think both parties need to realize that they are ran off idealistic scams and that if either side completely got their way the world would be a worse place. Posted at April 16, 2005 3:31 PM
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