August 12, 2005
Bad Conditions: Due to Bad Philosophy or Shitty People?
So generally I think I am a pretty good person, although perhaps one who lacks balance. A number of shitty things have came my way for seemingly no reason at all, whilest others are completely self inflicted.
Sometimes people are at fault and sometimes the networks are. Prettymuch right now I am doing way better than I deserve to, and other than a lack of willingness to forget somethings from the past (due to fearing a lack of drive going forward) I sometimes serve myself up shit deals on a silver platter.
Sometimes networks, philosophies, and the underlying systems are at fault as well though. In the past there was one guy on the submarine who was a great division leader who became a complete piece of shit when promoted.
It is hard to balance supply / demand, workers / work, happiness / health, productivit> / efficiency, odds are that the more you decide what is right for you the better off you will be in the long term. To do well in some areas I have clearly let some others slide. I really need to balance that out if I want to be a non shitty person who appreciates life.
Posted at August 12, 2005 10:23 PM