August 13, 2005
Definition of a Guru
So I argued to my roommate that anyone ... given enough motivation, can within 2 years chase their interests and have it be more than self funding. It may require cost cutting, etc...but I think anyone can learn enough about their interests within 2 years to where they are paid to learn more about whatever they are truely interested in.
I define a guru as a person who knows what they want to do well enough to be able to make a living doing whatever they want, whereas my roommate thinks you have to be known as one of the best in the world to be a guru or whatever.
To me knowing people well enough to know who the true industry gurus are and being able to talk to them makes you a guru. One of the biggest problems of success is that people become arrogent and think they know everything. I realize that often I am a complete tool and that others know way more than I do.
Knowing your own limitations is important, although I really need to be a bunch more balanced than I have been or my character flaws will hurt my ability to be able to learn. If people like you it is far easier to do well, but I act somewhat weird in social situations and really need to become less socially inept.
Posted at August 13, 2005 7:12 AM