September 24, 2005
Another High Ranked Government Official Resigns Under Bush
FDA Commissioner Lester M. Crawford resigned unexpectedly Friday
geez, how many high level government employees have resigned in the last 6 years? If everyone you appoint around you is all fucked up and deserves to be fired (or more politically correct, chooses to resign) shouldn't you as a leader feel at least a bit guilty for having no gumption picking the people and / or for generally being incompatible and / or dishonest with society?
Sometimes the resignations are due to age or similar, but there have been more than enough resignations to call it a flat out suspicious pattern. Quiting after only a two month tenure as FDA Commissioner sure sounds suspicious.
Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee and a fierce FDA critic, said the agency had grown too close to the drug industry during Crawford's tenure."In recent years, the FDA has demonstrated a too-cozy relationship with the pharmaceutical industry and an attitude of shielding rather than disclosing information," Grassley said Friday. "... Now is the time to reform the FDA's culture and reassert that the agency's top priority is what's good for John Q. Public."
So instead of actually solving the problems with the system or helping society out with it's needs we just recycle government agency workers. Makes sense.
Brownie, you are doing a heckova job.
Posted at September 24, 2005 5:40 PM