September 28, 2005
Religion Linked to Dysfunctional Societies
Times Online has part of the reason I remain not religious:
RELIGIOUS belief can cause damage to a society, contributing towards high murder rates, abortion, sexual promiscuity and suicide, according to research published today.
hat tip for link
It is not that I think there is anything wrong with religion, just that I think the hucksters and scammers use religion to lead the sheep so that they may exploit them for personal gain.
Put another way, if you were God would you require people to acnowledge your existance to grant them eternal peace? If I were God I would weigh the good and the bad, and if there is any sort of afterlife I would determine the outcome based on the sum of the pieces. Good people should still generally be good people even if they do not have some overbeing controlling them through fear.
Why the fuck are more religious societies so damaged when compared to less religious ones? Is it that people in need are more likely to ask for it so they are more religious? If that is the case they why don't they get what they need?
The answer is IMHO, at least in part, that scumbags use religion to exploit the country and leave people with shells of their former selves looking elsewhere for mystical answers when nonmystical answers lie within.
Posted at September 28, 2005 1:40 AMDear Aaron,
So what would you say about this?:
riaa is like this every year they want to rise x amount of money ok, but for this reason artist just get to be popular their songs are not as good as they used to be when the artist start in the music career, ok they want the money to be the x amount they want/ what the have to do? fuck the poor people , that why they fine that ridicously amount of money , remember that there is one god if you doesnt give up doing that , he will tell something that you might not want to hear