January 16, 2006
The Curse of the Weight Loss Blog
So I gave my mom my old weight loss blog. She bought a new scale and now is 5 pounds heavier than what the old scale showed.
I gave her the blog a little over a month or so ago...recently I started exercising. Last Monday (January 9th) I weighed 248 pounds. This Monday I am 242.
A friend of mine and I have a bet that the last one to 200 has to eat haggis. He is at 230 but I can lose weight quicker because I am crazier.
I probably won't do a lot of health / diet blogging because I feel that might end up being a curse for me. But I wanted to remember my starting date and weight.
Have went to the gym 5 days in a row. Have not done any anarobic exercise yet. Just aerobic stuff. I might go back again later tonight and do a bit of light weight stuff.
Posted at January 16, 2006 6:29 PMupdate for me:
not sure if the weight is just a blip downward, but I once again feel healthy after being sick. I have slept a bit much, but my weight is 234 right now
14 down...about 45 to go. over 25% of the way done.
I have not exercised in a while though. it is fucking cold, am starting a company w a friend, have to sort out taxes, and about 3 or 4 other major things need done in the next couple weeks
I find that having and following a good nutritional weight loss program add's not only energy, but more years to your life. If one want's to lose weight, diet and nutrition fall hand in hand. I've alway's wanted top lose weight, but kept eating the same trash in the streets, has to always visit the burger spot, the fried spot, or the "Of Cause" Donut spot. Now why workout if I wouldn't change my eating habits. I then started evaluating my lifestyle, I'm getting ready to be 40 yrs. old in three years, yet I was way over weight. I needed to do something NOW, not later. I begain a simple nutritional program that just changed my life. I began the program at a weight of 235lbs., three weeks later I was 209 lbs.
How do I feel, like a Million Dollars, I'm ready for the world right about now. I Feel Great! I tell you, if I can do it, so can you.