April 17, 2006
I am so Glad I Believe in...
Amazing! I can't believe how many bloggers have mentioned that they are glad they believe in ________ over _________ and _________ after referencing an ill blogger that allegedly chopped up some little girl.
Here is a tip for you Mr ultra religious ______ wing better than whoever nut job blogger: if God is true and so omnipotent then he chose to make the person that chopped up that little girl AND he chose to make it happen AND he chose to have you blog about it as if it was a function of athiesm even though ALL OF IT was HIS CHOICE.
I am not going to post my religious beliefs here, but anyone who thinks the wrongs of the world are created by a lack of religious beliefs needs to ask themselves why the all powerful creator created many of the shitty things that occur on Earth.
I am sick of people who just want to divide the world and state that every thing good is me and everything bad is not me. The best and worst parts of all people who ever lived are in all of us. We are all far more connected than we would ever know, and the attempts to come together usually revolve around tearing something else apart.
To be honest I am usually most motivated when I or people I know experience injustice, but I don't think it needs to be that way. And I am going to be a way better person when I am more motivated by good things than by stopping bad things. You have understand what drives people and you have to create alternatives if you want to change the world.
Some people due stupid shit for the rush, and then as they do one thing that is slightly abnormal it is easier to do something else that is more abnormal. I think killing people is shitty, but we do that each day we pay taxes for bombs that land on small 3rd world villiages.
You can't stop humans from having fundamental human flaws, you can only do your best to learn about the world and yourself to reach your full potential and then with a bit of luck maybe help set up a framework that hopefully makes it easier for others to do well.
Many religious systems teach people not to question things. And even if the religions were completely pure that single feature (large groups of people not questioning things) means that corrupt scumbag individuals will gravitate toward certain religions just because they have an easy prey to market their message to.
most things that are sold as right and good limit your potential and / or destroy the lives of people who follow that route. Your path should - to the best of your ability - be chose by you.
Posted at April 17, 2006 1:44 AMPersonally, I don't think religion is a problem, or THE problem, it's the churches that run them that are the problems. It's when people get in the way, religion gets screwed up.
I was reading your post about becoming a minister online, and would rather see a new church started, "The Church of the Blessings of Bill and Ted". A free church where there is only one sin, NOT being excellent to each other...
Well exactly...the organization of it and the fact that the organizations involve humans (which are often flawed and or interest in self profit) is the gripe I am really trying to express
I'm glad I have a brother with such sense of self. Love you bro....kiss hugz...miss you come see me soon brother
Hi James
hope you are doing well now. I tried calling you today, but did not get an answer.
talk to ya soon
Aaron, I understand your frustration and am put off by people that erroneously take up the banner of God for particular statements. Those people are by faaaaarrrr the minority, and I hope you don't paint all people who believe in God and his son Jesus with the same broad brush. Stereotypes suck coming from either direction.
"ask themselves why the all powerful creator created many of the shitty things that occur on Earth"
God didn't create the "bad things" on this planet. He did give us the choice, and we do poorly w/ that responsibility.
I liken our situation somewhat to TV shows where the protagonist obtains the ability to make someone fall madly in love with them. They try it out, and it is great... but not for long. The character then finds love is not a ooey-gooey feeling. Rather, love is a choice. If God made us perfect automatons wandering the earth being "perfect people" it wouldn't be love. Since God is love (www.snipurl.com/pm16), that would be against his character.
Yeah, it is tough to understand why some things are allowed to go on for so long. I think the problem isn't with God, though. I think it is more of a matter of my limited perspective.
My friend was telling me about his very young child tripping in the yard and falling on a piece of metal. It stuck in his abdomen and he had to rush his child to the doctor to give him a tetanus shot. The tetanus shot is not one I'd like right now as an adult, and you can imagine the child's reaction as the doctor began to put the needle in the child's stomach muscles.
My friend had to hold his child down while they gave the shot and had to endure his child staring at him - unable to speak, or understand why his dad was letting the doctor do this to him. Of course the father had perspective and knew that everything would be better in time.
Hope this sheds some light. It doesn't explain jerks, but figuring out why people do stupid things could be a 24x7 job in itself.
Have a good one : )