June 21, 2006
Reasons to be Pissed Off, 6/20/06
I answered about 600 emails the day I got home then the next day my internet connection went to shit, so I still am not fully caught up from the weekend trip.
While my internet connection went down so did my server for many hours.
A friend messaged my cell phone and that filled up my messages so I did not know my server was down.
I still need to review software I promised to have reviewed by midnight and it is now 12:08
My programmer did no work Thursday through Tuesday. Maybe Wednesday, too? For a program that I was hoping would be done by now.
I feel I have not done a very good job with my community site recently and I could write more on that. The editors have done a great job and deserve better from me. I am pissed at myself for that.
My professional blog keeps getting comments from people who quote me out of context and make me look stupid, and they keep asking irrelevant questions when they are too lazy to read what I answer anyway.
I have not posted to my professional blog in nearly a week and already have more stuff lined up to do today and tomorrow.
I had dental work done and have a ton more to go. Am pissed about how poor my hygiene habits were and that my jaw is probably going to be pretty fucked up for life.
Someone asked me for help and did not make it easy for me to help them. After recently rejecting a very gracious help offer. Now they want to go back and forth and I am not sure I have the energy necessary to help them. Change comes from within and I am not thinking they want to change much.
People selling SEO services want me to review competing sites to their clients for spam. Like what are they selling if they do not understand the market?
A normally hard working business partner and friend did not do the one thing I asked him to do prior to me leaving. That site is lingering about when it should be making at least $5,000 a month by now.
Prestigious periodicals asked me to review articles about my trade. They referred to me as Dr Wall and the article was wrote by another doctor. The article is overtly biased and in many ways factually incorrect and negative for my industry. Now I have to think of how to respond without looking like a jerk while being honest.
I promised to write articles for many sites that I still need to write.
I wonder how many of the things I write come off as being as wrong as the stuff I just read.
The concert I just went to makes me feel I have a purpose I need to fill and that currently I am not doing it.
On a positive note, I am reading the most important and influential book of my life thusfar.
Posted at June 21, 2006 12:38 AMWhat's the book ... inquiring minds want to know!
a thousand years of nonlinear history