July 25, 2006

Undermining Authority Figures and Changing Worldviews

I love learning about things which cause me to change my worldviews and value systems.

Typically the type of information that does that is stuff which questions authority and the way it has always been. We are taught from a young age to subscribe to an authority trusting worldview so that we can be exploited for various forms of profit.

As you peal away the bogus layers of authority and associated fraud you get a much better view of humanity uninhibited by the fraud and arbitrary contraints associated with those who want to exert extreme coercive persuasion over the lives of others. And it gives me hope that I can help think up ways to live life more fully than I have, and if I am lucky sort out ways to undermine bogus authority on a grand scale.

People act in quite predictable ways. Many of the fraud business models bank on people not seeing beyond a framework that is set up, or having no reach for their message if they do see beyond it. The web allows you at least somewhat of a workaround to those problems, and search allows you to intercept the minds of people dealing with serious problems (perhaps problems far greater than my own trivial garbage I rant about). I am always one in need of some greater purpose to be happy, but at least for a little bit I think I got one again. Yippie.

But then again it is not enough to just tear things down, you have to help think up ways to build things back up. Which is hard given my limited and biased worldview.

I used to kinda hate the idea of learning, teaching, and doing marketing because I think that ultimately most marketing is about manipulating others for personal gain, but what if you could find a profitable and scalable business model that enriched participants in the depth and quality of their lives? Not saying I could do it. Just that I think it would be cool. And love when others do it to me.

I also know when I am excited and motivated because I read and type letters in the wrong order. I think we all have some natural baseline level of dyslexia that comes out more or less depending on our congruent moods.

Posted at July 25, 2006 6:16 AM

I absolutely agree with you on this view of authorities - indeed, the whole social system seems to be aimed at training people to obey which I always hated. On the other hand, while the web does present a lot of unique opportunities one of these opportunities is actually to be able to create fake authorities quite easily - and we both know it. OK I don't mean to discourage you from thinking along the lines of a positive view, that's what I'd like to think myself and instead of finding ways to abuse things I should be looking for ways to make things better for everybody which is what you do and I admire you for that. I must just be an evil person with a screwed up attitude but you know what I mean.

IrishWonder on July 25, 2006 7:36 AM
"What if you could find a profitable and scalable business model that enriched participants in the depth and quality of their lives? Not saying I could do it. Just that I think it would be cool."

I think you will.

Speaking of authority and fraud, the internet has been instrumental in the dissemination of real information about the fraud perpetrated by our government with the 911 attacks. Scientists, engineers, scholars, and investigative reporters that are unable to report thier findings to the corporate controlled mainstream media have an invaluable outlet in the internet. Sorry all, I know this is a little off topic, but seriously check out some of the research coming out on the internet about this.

"What if you could find a profitable and scalable business model that enriched participants in the depth and quality of their lives? Not saying I could do it. Just that I think it would be cool."

Aaron you are doing it already. Pesonally you have inspired me, I live with social anxiety and am also into marketing, but have found a purpose and a light to guide my journey in live. Part of that light and inspiration I got it through your work and writing in internet.

Take care man, you are doing a fine job.

Bill Danielson on August 9, 2006 12:43 AM
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