October 18, 2006
False Apologies
Nearly every day most people probably apologize for symptoms of their problems without ever considering changing the core underlying problems or their worldview which causes the interactions that lead to the problems (or symptoms of a lack of balance or purpose).
There really is no point apologizing unless you mean it, but then if you do want to change an apology is not needed...you just have to decide to change. Your future actions are the only REAL apology you can offer for your wrongdoings.
I think there are four big reasons most people fail when they go to rehab, psychological treatment, or other help programs:
- change is internal. most people going to something where others tell them how screwed up they are don't actually want to be there, so you can't make them change unless they want to
- most of the places that are supposed to help people are under-budgeted and most the workers do not have enough time or care to go deeper, so they focus on solving symptoms instead of problems
- many of the organizations or social structures which make people off balance can never accept any blame for the activity of their members
- many people seeking institutional help just use substitution... for example, off crack but tons of caffeine and cigarettes
- even if you decide that you want to stop doing something it is not enough to say "hey I will stop doing that" you have to take the mental connections or dimming the activity offered and replace that with something of substance. If you don't have substance, purpose, and balance in your life your symptoms will keep reappearing from time to time until you find purpose and reprogram yourself.
Today and yesterday I did some random kind acts for people I never would have usually done that for, and out of it I ended up feeling much better. The world is such a vast place and there is so much that can be improved that there really is no point dwelling on problems or lowering yourself to content with amoral selfish people...its really just a matter of finding substance, dreaming, and then turning your dreams into reality.
In many ways I am addicted to bringing stupid controversy into my life because I rebound from it so hard (like the dumber I act the more brilliant and passionate I am right afterword - trying to overcompensate). Rather than being stupid and overcompensating, maybe I should just making sure that I try to appreciate the world for what opportunities it offers. It is the only apology that will ever be real or make sense.
I feel like happy guy, and am certain that if I didn't feel like that, and just read this post I would want to punch me in the face for writing it, but since I am me I don't have to worry about that. Hehehe
Posted at October 18, 2006 11:33 PMI almost punched my mon itor when I read it, but decided to let it go.
Honestly it is good that you are happy, and it also seems like substituting healthy diet and fitness for overworking yourself and eating poorly was a wise choice.