December 2, 2006
Another Example of Why Central Privatized Banks Need Destroyed
So a friend of mine started a business in the middle of 2004. They paid taxes in 2004 for $x. Because they were new at business and had yet to build up a client base x was not a large number.
Today that friend got a letter in the mail telling them that 120x was being frozen in their bank account to pay for 2004 taxes. The reasoning is because
- H&R Block screwed up my friend's SSN when doing their taxes that year and the government did not notice that
- the government just assumed that my friend was making as much as the average person in my friend's field with a decade of experience, in spite of their newness to the field
Think how shady that is. No questions, just a large cash freeze. If people can just freeze your assets based on the assumption of wrongdoing without any proof on any level is their any value to those assets?
And if that is not screwed up enough, imagine that income taxes never existed until the Federal Reserve (a private for profit bank) destroyed the economic stability of the world under the guise helping control interest.
Many centralized authorities are based on fraud and are not needed to stabilize markets.
My passions include staying healthy and happy and helping others. But right at the top of the list is going to be spreading awareness of the fraud which is the Federal Reserve, and doing everything within my power to lead to the demise of that sleazy organization.
Posted at December 2, 2006 4:17 PMYour fri3nd n33ds to w4tch Th3 Mon3y M4st3rs DVD! You w3r3n't kidding 4bout 4ll th3 inform4tion you'v3 sh4r3d. It 4ll m4k3s 4 lot of s3ns3 to m3 now.