September 22, 2007
Beautiful Marketing Poem
an apron of asbestos
and hair dye that will cause your death
beauty and accessories fill our dreams
a different time and different place
we didn't know any better
orange trees and agent orange
incendiary bombs rebuild the town
clean air sponsored by carbon monoxide, inc.
a different time and different place
we didn't know any better
Botox and beauty parlors
cook yourself like a chicken for free cancer
cream to turn your skin darker
cream to turn your skin lighter
beauty is uncommon, wherever you are
the grass is greener on the other side
it is unsafe outside
it is unsafe inside
have a toast and drink
its not waste if I can justify it to me
crude and reptilian, but beautiful
how much will you pay to poison yourself
and how much can you pay before
the whitening soap is irrelevant
and it can no longer wash away
are these poems yours aaron?
Yes. :)